Tittle Holder
Symaga, S.A.U. (hereinafter Website owner)CIF/NIF: A13027487, is the owner of the domain www.symaga.com domiciled (Factory and offices) in Ctra. de Arenas Km. 2,300. Post Code 13210. Villarta de San Juan. Ciudad Real. España and offices in 37 Azcona st. Post Code 28028. Madrid. España. Company is registered in the Register of Companies of Ciudad Real, Volume 135, Page 32, Sheet 766. Telephone: +34 926 64 04 75 | +34 91 726 43 04 or e-mail: symaga@symaga.com
These are the General Conditions and in its case particulars that regulate the access and use of the website. This Website is designed to raise awareness and make available to the public (in hereinafter the user) that access to the domain www.symaga.com (in hereinafter Website) information, datum, products y services (hereinafter contained).
The person who accesses this website takes the condition of user of the same. This implies the knowledge and acceptance of the General conditions and where appropriate, particular conditions governing your access and use. We recommend periodic access to the conditions of use for changes, modifications and updates that may occur.
The website includes text, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs and software included therein, whether capable or not of intellectual property.
The access to the Website is for free, without prior authorisation, subscription or registration, except for the contents and specific services in which the subscription or registration of the user is necessary and is thus determined in the General or particular conditions.
The Website may limit access to specific areas. In this case, the registration of the identification data of the user is necessary (see Privacy Policy). Once provided the necessary data can be access via a user name and password. The name of the user and the password given or if chosen by the user is personal and non-transferable. The user undertakes to use in a diligent manner, and cannot provide these data to third parties. In the case of loss, forgetfulness or suspected unauthorized use, you should contact as soon as possible with the owner of the Website.
The service provided is for indefinite time. The Web site is committed to maintaining the quality and accuracy of the contents and use to the extent of their possibilities. However this does not imply any obligation on quality and accuracy of the contents and speed of access by the owner of the website. The owner reserves the right to modify or update the conditions of access, or suspend access to the website, or part of the website without prior notice.
Users who access are committed at all times to not access to the website and the content in a contrary way of the established and/or purposes illegal, harmful of rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may damage, deteriorate, saturate or slow down the website, to the detriment of the owner of the website or third party users.
Access to the contents by the user will be under its own responsibility and may not affect the holder any negative consequence derived direct or indirectly from the access, whether they are physical, logical, moral, or personal.
The contents are intended to inform and to publicize the activities, products and services and have a general and indicative character.
The owner of the website can modify the contents, as well as delete and change these inside the website, such as the form that is accessed, in order to improve the quality of them or correct mistakes and trying to at every moment to minimize the negative consequences that these changes may cause users.
The owner of the website is the owner of the rights of industrial and intellectual property, as well as the contents. All contents of this website -which is understood include but is not restricted to: information, messages, graphics, files of sound and image, photographs, recordings, computer programs, databases, technology knowhow, trademarks, distinctive signs, logos and generally any type of creation or accessible material that is their property, as well as one’s own website.
The website may also be accessible contents, services and information owned by third parties, whose rights are also protected by the current legislation on industrial and intellectual property.
Any use of the website or its contents shall be exclusively private. Is reserved for the owner of the website any other use involving the copy, reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication or any other similar action of all or part of the contents of the website, by which any user may carry out these actions for other purposes without prior authorization and written consent of the owner of the website.
Is not allowed to use the content to promote, recruit or disseminate advertising or any own information or third parties information without the authorization of the owner of the website or send advertising or information utilizing services or information that are made available to users, regardless of whether the use is free or not.
Links or hyperlinks that incorporate third parties on their websites, to this website, will be for the opening of the complete website and from the home page, and its cannot express, directly or indirectly, false, inaccurate or confusing, or incurring unfair or illegal actions against the owner of the website.
The owner of the website has control mechanism over the quality of the links which are incorporated in the website, however not it be responsible for reliability and speed thereof, does not guarantee the usefulness of these links or the contents or services to the user through these links, nor the proper functioning of third party websites which can be accessed.
For any controversy that may arise from the use of the website or the content that is subject to these terms, the parties submit expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of Ciudad Real (Spain).